Roy Miller built a direct service agency for children and families over a 13-year period before becoming a political consultant, managing both candidate and issue campaigns. The strategic advocacy science of American Children’s Campaign, which he founded in 1992, builds on the knowledge and information he acquired from both of these professional experiences.
Roy is described by colleagues as the state’s top watchdog for children, an insightful political strategist, determined lobbyist, plain spoken media spokesman and commentator, and, more important, an unapologetic yet neutral critic of ineffective services to children.
His innovations have resulted in new non-partisan approaches to public policy, new service structures for at-risk children, and powerful new advocacy voices. His models and strategic communications techniques have been replicated in other states.
In 2005, he received the statewide Champions for Children award from the Early Childhood Association of Florida and his work was featured for the launch of the national website for PreK Now, a project of Pew Charitable Trusts. In 2006, Miller received the statewide Presidents Award from the Florida Network of Youth & Family Services, an award that has been bestowed only four times in the previous 30 years. In 2008, the statewide Youth Advocacy Award was presented to Miller by the Florida Juvenile Justice Association.
Roy is spearheading conversation and action across the country for building a stronger and more effective political voice for children.
In his spare time, Roy likes the beach, tennis and golf. He supports several organizations that care for dogs and endangered animals.